4th Delphi International Psychoanalytic Symposium” (July 23-28, 1996)
“Sexual Orientation and the Oedipus Complex: Before or After?”
Keynote speakers were: Harold Blum, Friedrich Eickhoft, Richard Friedman, Judy Gammelgaard, , André Green, Charles Hanly, Pentti Ikonen, Otto Kernberg, Osamu Kitayama, Julia Kristeva, Michael Parsons, Hanna Segal, Charles Socarides.
The presence of Greek psychoanalysts in the organising and chairing of the proceeding had increased. There were also added the Training Analysts who came to HPS from abroad: Thalia Vergopoulou, Nikos Kouretas, and Nikos Tzavaras.
Cultural events: Erection of a monument, on the initiative of P. Hartokollis, in Schisti odo, at the place where, according to the myth, Oedipus killed his father, Laios.
Proceedings edition: HARTOCOLLIS P. (Ed.) (2001) Mankind’s Oedipal Destiny. Libidinal and Aggressive Aspects of Sexuality. Int. Universities Press